Use this page to pick up pre-placement and integration assignments.
The following forms must be completed and signed by a Parent/Guardian before starting your placement:
Coop Education Guidelines
Contractual Agreement
Media Release Agreement
The Work Education Agreement (You must get this form from your teacher)
The following assignments must be completed before starting your placement:
Pre-placement tracking
Application-cover letter
Resume and reference assignment
Interview Assignment
Union Assignment
Workplace Ethics
Workplace confidentiality
Workplace harassment
Getting to Know Your Employer
In-school review test
Calendars and Log Sheets:
Log Sheets are due the Tuesday following the completed week.
Weekly Log Sheet SLSS
Please check back soon for updated calendars.
Integration Days
These are assigned on in-school days are and due the following Tuesday.
Coop In School Day 1
Coop In School Day 2
Final Culminating Activity
The Final culminating Activity is worth 30% of your overall mark. It consists of two parts:
A Professional Portfolio which highlights your skills and accomplishments
A Transition Plan which shows how your coop experience fits into your overall school and career goals.