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Cooperative Education

A Cooperative Education course, available to students in grades 11 and 12, is based on a related course (or courses) from an Ontario Curriculum policy document or a Ministry approved locally developed course. Cooperative education courses include a classroom component and a placement component. Placements provide students with opportunities to apply and extend the knowledge, and practice and refine skills, acquired in the related course, and to demonstrate the achievement of placement expectations that reflect current workplace practices and standards. The student's individual cooperative education program will be designed following a placement interview. Some students will be eligible to begin an apprenticeship through a cooperative education placement in a skilled trades setting. Some students will select cooperative education placements which prepare them for the school to work transition. All students will have the opportunity to explore visible first choice career options. Students are able to take part in a two credit (half day) or four credit (full day) cooperative education program.

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