Core French Program
FSF1DO Grade 9, Core French, Academic
This course provides opportunities for students to communicate and interact in French with increasing independence, with a focus on familiar topics related to their daily lives. Students will continue to develop language knowledge and skills by using language-learning strategies introduced in the elementary Core French program, and will apply creative and critical thinking skills in various ways. They will also enhance their understanding and appreciation of diverse French-speaking communities, and will develop the skills necessary to become life-long language learners.
Prerequisite: Minimum of 600 hours of elementary Core French instruction, or equivalent
FSF1PO Grade 9, Core French, Applied
This course provides opportunities for students to communicate and interact in French in structured situations on everyday topics and to apply their knowledge of French in everyday situations. Students will continue to develop language knowledge and skills introduced in the elementary Core French program, through practical applications and concrete examples, and will use creative and critical thinking skills in various ways. They will also enhance their understanding and appreciation of diverse French-speaking communities, and will develop the skills necessary to become life-long language learners.
Prerequisite: Minimum of 600 hours of elementary Core French instruction, or equivalent
FSF2DO Grade 10, Core French, Academic
This course provides opportunities for students to communicate in French about personally relevant, familiar, and academic topics in real-life situations with increasing independence. Students will exchange information, ideas, and opinions with others in guided and increasingly spontaneous spoken interactions. Students will continue to develop their language knowledge and skills through the selective use of strategies that contribute to effective communication. They will also increase their understanding and appreciation of diverse French- speaking communities, and will continue to develop the skills necessary to become life-long language learners.
Prerequisite: Grade 9, Core French, Academic (FSF1DO) or Grade 9, Core French, Applied (FSF1PO)
FSF2PO Grade 10, Core French, Applied
This course provides opportunities for students to communicate in French about everyday matters and topics of personal interest in real-life situations. Students will exchange information, ideas, and opinions with others in structured, guided, and increasingly spontaneous spoken interactions. Students will continue to develop their language knowledge and skills through the consolidation of language-learning strategies for interpreting texts and communicating clearly. They will also increase their understanding and appreciation of diverse French-speaking communities, and will continue to develop the skills necessary to become life-long language learners.
Prerequisite: Grade 9, Core French, Academic (FSF1DO) or Grade 9, Core French, Applied (FSF1PO)
FSF3OO Grade 11, Core French, Open
This course provides opportunities for students to speak and interact in French in real-life situations. Students will continue to develop their communication skills, making connections to previous experiences and using newly acquired language knowledge and skills. They will also continue to increase their understanding and appreciation of diverse French-speaking communities and to develop the skills necessary for life-long language learning.
Prerequisite: Core French, Grade 10, Academic or Applied
French Immersion Program
FIF1DF Grade 9, French Immersion, Academic
This course provides opportunities for students to speak and interact in French independently in a variety of real-life and personally relevant contexts. Students will develop their ability to communicate in French with confidence by using language-learning strategies introduced in the elementary French Immersion program. Students will enhance their knowledge of the language through the study of French-Canadian literature. They will also continue to increase their understanding and appreciation of diverse French-speaking communities and to develop the skills necessary to become life-long language learners.
Prerequisite: Minimum of 3800 hours of instruction in elementary French Immersion, or equivalent
FIF2DF Grade 10, French Immersion, Academic
This course enables students to increase their knowledge of the French language and to further develop their language skills through the study of twentieth-century European francophone literature and culture. Students will participate in oral communication, reading, and writing activities based on a variety of French literary and media works. They will study at least one novel and a selection of poems, short stories, films, plays, and newspaper and magazine articles.
Prerequisite: Grade 9, French Immersion, Academic (FIF1DF)
FIF3UF Grade 11, French Immersion, University Preparation
This course develops knowledge and language skills through the study of francophone literature and culture from around the world. Students will study novels, plays, poems, short stories, films, and non-fiction works and produce written assignments in a variety of forms, including critiques and préécis. They will also write a formal research essay. The use of correct grammar and appropriate language conventions in both spoken and written French will be emphasized throughout the course.
Prerequisite: French Immersion, Grade 10, Academic
FIF4UF Grade 12, French Immersion, University Preparation
This course provides for extensive study of French literature and culture from the Middle Ages to the present. Students will study novels, plays, poems, films, and non-fiction works produced in various historical periods, and will write a formal research paper. The use of correct grammar and appropriate language conventions in both spoken and written French will be emphasized throughout the course.
Prerequisite: French Immersion, Grade 11, University Preparation