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Exam Schedule

Semester One ExamsExam-2

Schedule Link

Buses will run on their regular schedule. A medical certificate will be required if a student misses an exam.

Students remaining at school for the day will be supervised in a quiet study hall for the remainder of the day, unless parental permission is given for students to leave the school. These arrangements are to be in writing to the school prior to the start of examinations. Please complete the following form and have your son/daughter return it to their Period 1 teacher as soon as possible, if you wish to provide this permission for your teen.

Secondary students who do not have a scheduled exam for a certain day, are not required to report to school that day

Exams and/or Culminating Activity
Teachers may assign a final culminating activity (to be completed during class time prior to the exam period) instead of, or in addition to, having a final exam. Students must check with their teachers to determine if their course will have a final exam, a culminating activity or both.

Inclement Weather
Should there be inclement weather or another reason to cancel buses or close the school on one exam day, the exam and all subsequent exams will be pushed back to the next scheduled exam day.


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