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Hospitality and Tourism SHSM

Hospitality and Tourism SHSM

About the Program:

Five tourism industries comprise the hospitality and tourism sector: accommodation, food and beverage services, recreation, and travel services. The tourism sector in Canada is a major source of employment. Tourism in Ontario is a dynamic, growing sector. The food service industry employs 374,000 people, with nearly 39 per cent of workers between the ages of 15 and 24 years old. The SHSM Hospitality and Tourism at Saint Lawrence enables students to build a foundation of sector-focused knowledge and skills before graduating and entering apprenticeship training, college, university, or an entry-level position in the workplace. The Saint Lawrence SHSM Hospitality and Tourism is designed to have an emphasis on hospitality, with integration of tourism components in Grade 12.

The following information is from the Ministry of Education website.

What will students in a hospitality and tourism major study?

  • A bundle of nine Grade 11 and Grade 12 credits in which students earn:
    • Four hospitality and tourism major credits
    • One English credit, a math credit and one credit of either science or business studies tailored to include units focused on hospitality and tourism
    • Two cooperative education credits to gain workplace experience that enables students to refine, extend and practice sector-specific knowledge and skills
  • Experiential learning, career exploration and reach ahead activities within the sector
  • Certifications and training programs/courses in first aid, CPR, hazardous materials and customer service
  • Essential Skills and work habits required in the sector

What are the future career paths for a hospitality and tourism major?

For hospitality and tourism majors, possible careers include:

  • Apprenticeship - baker, cook, chef, special events coordinator
  • College - flight attendant, food service manager
  • University - nutritionist, dietician, hotel/resort manager
  • Entry level workplace - hotel valet, bartender
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